Packed lunch is usually made ​​by the mother in the home in order for children not to snack at random and stay healthy . But mothers often unwittingly commit some mistakes , which would make the child at risk of obesity .

Here are 14 of the most frequent mistakes made ​​bad effect for the mother and child health , as reported by Fox News , Monday ( 30/09/2013 ) :

1 . Forget the element of complete nutrition

Some mothers often rely on processed foods like nuggets for lunch . Though processed foods do not contain enough nutrients and even more fat , sugar and salt . Complete food will give you enough protein and fiber to kids full longer .

" Food with complete nutrition will provide the required intake by children and help its growth , " said Angela Lemond , a nutritionist from The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics .

2 . Not giving enough fruits and vegetables

According to a recent report in the Journal of Adolescent Health , less than 1 out of 3 children eat enough fruits and vegetables every day . Therefore , make sure your child is getting enough intake of vegetables and fruit by following the recommended United States Department of Agriculture ( USDA ) , which is half the plate fruits and vegetables section , quarter section plate of rice , and a plate section quarter protein .

3 . Too much artificial sweeteners

Although not yet found the exact long-term effects of artificial sweeteners on children , but according to Dr Melina Jampolis , physician nutrition specialist , it would be better if the amount of artificial sweetener intake is restricted .

4 . Giving too many sugary drinks

According to a recent study in the journal Pediatrics , the pre - school age children who drink excessively sugary drinks tend to be more obese . Because sweetener content while giving full effect so that the child will be hungry sooner .

5 . Always think food is low or non - fat better

Foods labeled ' low fat ' and ' non - fat ' may in fact have the same fat content as usual . In addition , they often compensate for the loss of fat by adding sugar . Therefore , make sure you read food labels carefully .

6 . Do not read the labels of sugar

Recent reports from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that approximately 16 percent of total calories consumed by the children come from sugar . Sugar can appear in foods such as yogurt , especially with the addition of fruit flavors and extracts . You will be much better for the children choose yogurt with fresh flavor alone .

7 . Trimming carbohydrate intake

You may cut your intake of carbohydrates as being a diet , but do it in the child's diet can eliminate the essential nutrients he needs to grow . Choice for her good carbs such as whole grain pasta , rice , bread , cereals , and potatoes .

8 . Let the children are free to choose arbitrarily menu

Children may be far more voraciously while eating if supplies are delivered is her favorite menu . A better approach to keep the child could choose but stay healthy is to give children freedom within healthy limits . For example, let your child choose between broccoli or carrots for lunch .

9 . Let the children do not eat his lunch

Compared to healthy eating lunch , children often prefer to snack at school . Instead of letting children snack throughout the day , make sure your child's eating schedule . For example, prepare lunch with a full menu with fresh fruit for a healthy snack maketh .

10 . Offer unhealthy snacks

Provide a snack for children is actually not a problem , but offers enough foods that contain protein and fiber to satisfy hunger children and maintain her weight remained normal . A recent study in the journal Pediatrics found that when kids eat vegetables and cheese as a snack , they eat 72 percent fewer calories than those who eat potato chips .

11 . Do not limit a child's portion

Age children really needed a lot of daily intake . But it would be much better if you do not give excessive and limit the amount of food intake . Be sure to provide supplies to the right portion and let the kids spend it without making you worry .

12 . Too many prohibits children

Find another way if indeed he is reluctant to eat lunch that you have prepared . Too many of the rules implementing provisions will actually make it more lazy and prefer to snack at school .

13 . Using extra food as a reward

Giving your child an extra cookie at lunch after he gets good grades can lead to unhealthy eating behavior in the future . Better to give a gift such as a hug , praise , or any object if it wanted to appreciate children .

14 . Lunch menu distinguish children from families in the home menu

If you prepare a different food for kids , then he will feel distinguished . Make sure you set a good example by eating healthy food if he wants to spend his common stock .


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