
Chicken Pox ( Varicella )

Chickenpox is a common skin disease known to the public. Almost everyone from children to adults have had chicken pox. Often we can estimate a person has had chicken pox scars on the face , in the form of pockmarks. 

Chickenpox is seasonal. Seasonal called because it is highly contagious. When there are 1 people with chicken pox , very likely will be followed by other sufferers . If in a family there are affected , it will be followed by episodes of other family members.

Is the Chicken Pox disease ? 

Chicken pox is a disease caused by the varicella - zoster virus infection. These viruses infect humans with systemic properties, meaning the virus is thorough reaction, not local. 

Patients with infectious chickenpox to another person by means of :


Droplet ( particle fluid expelled from the mouth when sneezing , coughing , or speaking that contain disease germs, the Varicella - zoster virus ) that enter the body of a healthy person.
Through direct contact , contact with peopleUpon entry into the human body, the virus will multiply and spread into the local network through the bloodstream and lymph flow. Viruses multiply themselves back up the virus spreads throughout the body and especially to reach the skin and mucous membranes
.Infectious period of 1-2 days prior , until 5-6 days after the onset of rash . 

What are the symptoms of Chicken Pox disease ?Severity of symptoms is determined by the chicken pox immunity, the body's immunity.Early signs generally include: high fever, malaise, headache, experienced 1-3 days before the appearance of rash.

Watery rash appears, more and more and more until the whole body, including in the mouth, eyes, ears, nose. Appearance of the rash is not typical of a particular body part. The first can appear on the arms, back, or stomach.In the chicken pox all over the body can be found a variety of forms of rash, there is still a red rash, rash clear watery fluid, pus rash , until the rash is already a scab. The rash gradually dries up completely recovered after 1-3 weeks.The disease is more severe and often cause complications in infants, adults, and people with poor immune system. After the pain , the patient is immune for life.Complications varies between 5-10 % of cases, can affect the central nervous system, lungs, middle ear , and severe skin infections. This disease can heal itself.How Chicken Pox disease management ?When suffering from this disease then that should be done is :


 - Break. In addition to improve the immune system, as well as to prevent disease transmission.

Maintain adequate nutrition.

Maintaining personal hygiene : 

o Mandi, is a wrong assumption when chickenpox sufferers should not bathe. Bath will cleanse your body of dead skin cells thus preventing bacterial infection.o The water bath can be added antiseptic solution such as Solution, or gentian violet.o Do not touch or remove the watery rash scab because it can cause scars and infection.

Wear light and comfortable clothing to avoid friction with the rash.

Medicines to relieve the symptoms of :o Anti - fever, high fever wheno Drugs to relieve itching, outside of the powder can cure salicylic or the like, it could be drugs taken.

Anti - virus :o Acyclovir ointment, applied to the rash.o Acyclovir tablet, not regular use. Acyclovir tablets will reduce the number of rashes that appear and shorten the duration of illness if given at least 24 hours before the rash appears. Once the rash appears, giving acyclovir tablets showed no significant results, except in patients with poor durability .

Antibiotics, given when there is a bacterial infection.Prevention :


- Active immunization in over 10 years but on request can be given at age > 12 months.

- Passive immunization is given in the case of poor durability. 
Special Note Disease Chickenpox

Chickenpox in the first 3 months pregnant woman can cause congenital abnormalities ( konginetal ), whereas in women who had chicken pox a few days before the birth of the baby can cause varicella. Incidence of chickenpox infection during pregnancy approximately 0.05 to 0.07 %. Numbers are small because most of the fertile women already have immunity to chickenpox. Chicken pox which occurred when the first 3 months of pregnancy, especially 8-12 weeks, the risk of congenital varicella syndrome by 2.2 percent, the syndrome of birth defects in infants.A person when first exposed to the virus will show symptoms of chicken pox, and after that, the virus will remain in the body so that we have a resistance to the virus. If the virus is active again then the virus comes with slightly different symptoms of chickenpox and herpes zoster in which the so-called general symptoms that occur are severe pain or a burning sensation when your body burns in contact with something even a light touch as well as clothes and accompanied by the emergence of a bubble - a bubble filled with fluid similar to chicken pox.

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