
Nutrition For Kids

Extra babies need attention because he has not been able to do everything yourself. We as parents will do anything for our babies. Before our baby was born we would have to prepare everything needs ranging from baby clothes, baby blankets, extra milk. Each of these aspects have an impact on health and growth of our baby. Healthy environment as well as additional nutritional and hygienic environmental conditions make optimal infant growth.Determine the growth of food and infant immune system. Babies grow faster than adults, and in every growth requires adequate nutrition. Rapid growth requires extra nutrition and good food. Food should be healthy, fresh and rich in nutrients so the body can form a perfect baby.One should keep in mind that what is good for an adult is not always good for the baby . However baby body similar to the body of an adult , but the physical systems they have not completely formed, so they need the nutrients extra to meet the needs of growing cells and the immune system of the baby.In the first years, the body's digestive system is not yet strong baby so his stomach could not digest the food we provide, so it depends on the mother's milk. Breast milk is full of baby food that is rich in nutrients and substances infant immune builder.Baby teeth will grow after 9 months of being born, the baby until then we are very dependent on mother's milk and in some cases require a food supplement that has been formulated carefully.Breast milk contains a very complete nutrition for babies up to baby can bite. An assortment of vitamins, minerals, protein, and fat carbohydrate highly needed by the baby. This can we get from vegetables , eggs , and some animal foods . We must be careful in choosing which foods are good for our baby .In some cases where the mother's milk is little or no food at all your baby will change drastically. There are a lot of baby food available in the market as a substitute for a lack of breast milk. The food is usually rich in vitamins, minerals and many other nutrients, but to begin with we should consult a neonatologist first. infant feeding is dependent on the age and weight of the baby, can also be combined with water and milk. You can choose food from the body certificated. 

What can we give to our babies ?  

Baby's body can not digest all the food we give, so not all food should we give to our babies, the criteria that must be fulfilled food for our baby foods that should we choose should contain nutrients that can support the growth and immunity.In the second year , infants generally require full cream milk and cheese to be able to absorb important vitamins and minerals. In some infants , cow's milk can cause allergies, we can replace it with goat's milk. Other foods that can cause allergies in infants is white eggs, peanuts, soy, fish, pears, these foods can cause allergies in the baby's body.Baby's body begins to absorb calcium which can support the growth of bones and teeth, thus giving a calcium supplement should not be forgotten, giving vitamin C and B complex helps the formation of the baby's immune system.When babies become toddlers accusto, they could be given foods rich in nutrients such as chicken soup and green juices on a regular basis. Do not forget the milk and other dairy products to meet calcium needs. Iron and folic acid to prevent anemia, a dangerous condition where the baby's red blood deficiency drastically.Infants in the early growth requires extra calories, so a diet rich in calories and carbohydrates are essential. Do not let your baby eat junk food and carbonated water and other cold drinks. Food and drinks can damage the baby's digestive system and do not provide any nutrition for infants. Coffee, tea , and alcohol are strictly forbidden for the baby. Snacks and sugary foods should also be limited though not eliminated altogether, because pure sugar needed to produce energy for the body. We have to use salt to prevent goiter zodium.When the baby has enough teeth we can provide rice, wheat and cereals. Nuts contain many nutrients needed by the baby.Expand the boiled food than fried.Potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes, and spinach are essential to the baby, we can boil it and destroy it before we give to our babies.


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