
Simple ways Preventing Heart Disease

 Heart Healthy - Everyone can prevent heart disease or other types cardiovascular disease, one of them by doing one simple thing that is running. As said Greek physician, Hippocrates, that ' walking is man's best friend '.

Approaching the World Heart Day on September 29, the World Heart Federation urges people worldwide to be more aware of the simple act of walking. Because the activity can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

" Awareness is the first step to a healthy heart. Noting how much we walked intake should be as simple as counting what we eat, " said Dr. Kathryn Taubert, Science Officer of the World Heart Federation.

Survey of adults walking habits conducted in six countries, namely the United States, Brazil, China, India, Spain, and England. Survey results released about 55 percent of people do brisk walking less than 30 minutes per day. In fact, walking for 30 minutes is equivalent to aerobics can reduce the risk of heart disease.

Interestingly, the survey found that in the U.S. and the UK, one in three adults do not pay attention to the amount of walking they do per day compared to one in six adults in India. People in the U.S. and the UK also has a walking speed that is lower than the population in developing countries.
Several studies have already proven that walking can improve health. But, when walking speed that is the key. According to the Cardiovascular Institute at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, aerobic exercise such as walking for 30 minutes is the easiest way to ward off cardiovascular disease.

Runs four to six kilo meters for 30 to 60 minutes a few days a week can help strengthen the heart, improve blood circulation and bring more oxygen to the body's organs.

" On World Heart Day , we urge people to take action to protect their heart. By achieving the recommended guidelines at least 30 minutes of regular exercise include brisk walking at least five days a week , many premature deaths that could be prevented, " said Dr. Taubert.

Reported by the DocMedico, in addition to increasing life expectancy, burn calories, and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease , walking also better for the heart than other forms of intensive training other everyday. Moreover, running a light workout without risk of injury.

"Your feet can take heart in a much healthier life, " said Dr Srinath Reddy, president of the World Heart Federation.

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