
Tomato is One of The Healthy Foods to Eat

Tomato is one of the fruits that are identical to the bright red color. Everyone would have been familiar with the red fruit on this one. Tomatoes can be eaten directly or added to your favorite dishes the whole family. Because tomato is one kind of fruit, it is not surprising that the fruit contains many nutrients that are needed by your body. Maybe you never realized, tomatoes have such tremendous benefits for the body. So, what are the benefits of tomatoes devastating to the health of the body  ?

Companions, health tips. Tomato is one of the fruits that are relatively cheap in terms of price in the market. So no wonder, tomatoes are always there in your refrigerator or kitchen. Even so, a lot of nutrients in the bright red fruit. Based on fact , this fruit is a good source of vitamins A, C, K, potassium, folate, thiamin, niacin, vitamin B6, magnesium, phosphorus, copper and low in sodium, saturated fat, calories and cholesterol. This is what makes it one of the tomato fruit must be consumed daily. Based on a variety of nutrition, health tips will explore the various health benefits of tomatoes for your body. Here are 7 powerful benefits of tomatoes for your health :

Launched and Healthy Digestive System. One of the advantages of tomato that is a source of fiber that your body needs. So, for anyone who wants to stay healthy digestive system and smoothly, start by consuming the red fruit.

Skin protects the skin and body. This is because, the tomato is a source of lycopene. Lycopene content in tomatoes serves to prevent tissue damage caused by the ultraviolet rays of the sun.

Strengthen Bones In The Body. This is because, the fruit is a good source of vitamin K, which is able to prevent bone loss or better known as osteoporosis.

More Effective Cancer Prevention. For those of you who want to avoid the various types of cancer such as prostate cancer, mouth, throat, stomach, colon , and ovarian cancer, routine start to consume.
Because lycopene content in tomatoes is very effective in preventing various cancers.

For Preventing Diabetes Naturally. Chromium content in tomatoes can help balance blood sugar levels in your body. So it is more stable and does not endanger the health of your body.

Sharpening your vision. Sources of vitamin A in tomatoes serves to maintain eye health and vision capable sharpen one's eyes to the various organs of the surrounding objects.

Strengthen crown and Beautify Your Head. Sources of vitamin A in tomatoes can nourish the hair and strengthens the hair from root to tip.

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