
Causes of Breast Cancer

 Causes of breast cancer can be due to some genetic factors passed down from parent to child . Genetic factors in question is the existence of mutations in several genes that play an important role in the formation of breast cancer genes in question are some of the genes are oncogenes and tumor suppressing genes that nature . Pensupresi tumor genes that play an important role in the formation of breast cancer genes such as BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes .As for some of the causes of breast cancer to another , according to Moningkey and District Military Command , the specific causes of breast cancer are still unknown , but there are a lot of factors are expected to have an influence on the occurrence of breast cancer include : 
Reproductive factors 
Reproductive characteristics associated with risk of breast cancer is nuliparitas , menarche at a young age , menopause at an older age , and first pregnancy in old age . The main risk of breast cancer is increasing age . Expected , the period between the occurrence of the first menstrual age at first pregnancy is a window of initiation of breast cancer development . Anatomically and functionally , will experience breast atrophy with age . Less than 25 % of breast cancer occurred before the onset of menopause it is estimated that the tumor occurs long before clinical changes . 
Use of Hormones 
 The hormone estrogen associated with breast cancer . Report from the Harvard School of Public Health states that there is a significant increase in breast cancer in users of estrogen replacement therapy . One meta-analysis stated that although there is no risk of breast cancer in users of oral contraceptives , women using these drugs for a long time have a higher risk for developing breast cancer before menopause . Cells that are sensitive to hormonal stimulation may experience changes in benign or malignant degeneration [ 15 ] .Fibrocystic diseaseIn women with adenosis , fibroadenoma , and fibrosis , no increased risk of breast cancer . At hiperplasis and papilloma , a slightly increased risk of 1.5 to 2 times . Whereas in atypical hyperplasia , the risk increased up to 5 times . 
 There is a positive relationship between body weight and shape with breast cancer in postmenopausal women . Variation of the frequency of these cancers in Western countries and not the West as well as the frequency changes after migration suggests that there is the influence of diet on the occurrence of this malignancy . 
Fat consumption 
 Estimated fat consumption as a risk factor for breast cancer . Willet et al . conducted a prospective study for 8 years on the consumption of fat and fiber in relation to risk of breast cancer in women aged 34 to 59 years . 
 Exposure to ionizing radiation during or after puberty increase the risk of breast cancer . Of several studies conducted concluded that the cancer risk is linearly related to radiation dose and age at exposure occurrence . 
Family history and genetic factors
  Family history is an important component in the history of the patient to be carried out screening for breast cancer . There is an increased risk of malignancy in women with breast cancer families . On genetic studies found that breast cancer associated with specific genes . If there is a BRCA 1 gene is a susceptibility to breast cancer , the probability of occurring breast cancer by 60 % at age 50 and by 85 % at age 70 years . Age factor is very influential - > about 60 % of breast cancers occur in the age of 60 years . The biggest risk to age 75 yearsAs for the causes of breast cancer has not been clearly defined until now this , but its prevention already much developed . One type or means of prevention and treatment of breast cancer is to use XAMthone Plus , because XAMthone Plus xanthone compounds containing either destroy various types of viruses and bacteria that cause breast cancer , and various other types of cancers .


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