A study reveals that people can live a long life so that a hundred years until a century aka dominated by women . Well , what is causing this phenomenon occur ?

Based on data from the Census Bureau, the number of people aged a century in the United States increased by 65.8 percent in three decades . In 1980 , people with a century old , there were 32,000 inhabitants. Meanwhile , in 2010 , humans this century as much as approximately 50,000 inhabitants.

A UK study also noted an increase of 33 percent . The increase is as much as 453,000 people aged over 90 years and 12,320 people aged over 100 years .

They get a unique discovery in terms of gender . In 2010 , 82 percent of the number of people aged 100 years were women . In the UK too , from 10 people aged 100 years , 9 of whom were women and 1 man . As reported by Medical Daily , Monday ( 30/09/2013 ) .

" We know , women are more socially competent than men . Nah , sociable people are more likely to also relieve stress . Because people can express their thoughts and feelings to other people easily . Jaunty People also get the attention of those around him . example, if a sick time , many are willing to drive her to the doctor , "said Gary Small , professor of aging and director of the UCLA Longevity Center .

The majority of people who reach the age of 100 years of living with other people , not life itself . In America in 2010 , 85.7 percent of the number of people living in a century-old urban areas , especially in nursing homes .

" Living in the city to better provide for the mental stimulation . Besides more doctors as well . And, importantly , more friends to socialize , " added Gary .

Number of people aged 100 more turns at the most in Japan , the 1,197 people in every 100,000 residents . The second rank was occupied Sweden , Italy , and France . America is ranked just 10 .

Diverse studies have been conducted to reveal the reason of this longevity . The Longevity Project is research to write a book about this phenomenon . One of the interesting findings is that in 80 years, from 1,500 study participants , who managed to live the longest are from religious circles . Communication and socialization they always met through religious rituals , which makes them have never felt lonely . Meanwhile , according to Leslie R. Martin , people with negative thoughts and behavior fared otherwise .

A study at the University of Pittsburgh linking hobby walk with longevity . Results of the study showed people who were able to walk longer and faster are a healthy person and will live longer .
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