
How To Overcome Depression

Depression or a mental disorder characterized by the decline of one's feelings increasingly become a norm in the modern era. In the midst of a modern lifestyle, everyone can be more easily affected by depression along with the increasing demands of the job to meet the needs of an increasingly difficult life.

As reported by the Huffington Post , it takes special skills to overcome the frustration of living without him disturbing other joints of your life. Furthermore, various news pages sometimes contain healthy living tips that suggest 5 steps that can be taken to overcome depression.

This is the 5th step :

1. Sleep

Sleep is very important for your mental health because of lack of sleep can worsen and even cause some diseases. According to the 2007 study at Harvard Medical School and the University of California at Berkeley stated that lack of sleep causes a person to become irrational because the emotional brain can not put in the right perspective and not be able to make an appropriate response . Excessive sleep deprivation also affects memory and concentration. So, you need to rest enough so to overcome your depression.

2. Diet

Food that goes into our mouths greatly affects the brain. Therefore, you should pay attention to the food content of what is contained in the food. Avoid foods that contain lots of caffeine, alcohol , and nicotine. Eat foods that contain protein, wheat, nuts, vitamins and minerals. The food is recommended because it contains a lot of benefits from nature that can have a positive effect on emotional health.

3. Physical Activity

Physical activity is very important for improving mental health. Even recent research in Scotland suggested that people who regularly do activities such as doing housework, gardening, walking and exercise can reduce the risk of anxiety.

4. Life & Societal

We were created as social beings and feel happy when they are in a happy relationship. One of the clearest findings in happiness research is that we need each other to flourish and achieve happiness in life. Harmonious relationship can improve health , contributes to faster recovery from trauma and disease, and a lower risk of health problems associated with stress and mental illness.

5. Purpose of Life

Dan Baker, director of the Life Enhancement Program in the United States, believe that the aim of life is clearly a strong deterrent from depression. So, begin to define your life purpose, life mission to make your life as a guide in achieving a success.

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