
Imaginary Friend is very Beneficial for Child Development

At the sight of the children speak for themselves as if he was talking to her imaginary friend, sometimes parents feel strange, fear, and even panic. Basically it normal kids do and there are actually benefits to your child when he is talking to her imaginary friend. 

Reported by the Wall Street Journal, a new study finds that young children practice talking with imaginary friends could spur the development of inner dialogue that they can use to talk to himself when faced with a problem in the future. 

Research published in the Journal of Experimental Child Psychology stated that a chat with imaginary friends is an implementation of the child talks to himself and an oral form of the mind. It is useful to improve performance on cognitive tasks such as planning and solve puzzles. 

Reported by Babble, children have an imaginary friend has a chat with themselves more personal than children without imaginary friends. However, the benefits are equivalent to children who regularly communicate with adults. 

" At seven years old, about 37 percent of the children often play with creating an imaginary figure for him. Friend who created it just for fun but some case studies showing imaginary friend was formed to help children cope with traumatic experiences, " said Marjorie Taylor of the University of Toronto. 

So that , according to Taylor, the parents should not panic if their children have imaginary friends. Such experience DadCamp owner whose daughter had imaginary friends since she was in kindergarten until the time of the child 's second grade elementary school. 

He told me when asked where his daughter now imaginary friend, says his son is in Hawaii, and if he is needed, the imaginary friend is coming. Regardless of imaginary or real, according to the father's friend was a big thing that held the children and can make them happy.

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